by Jack Saffery-Rowe | Oct 10, 2016 | Africa
The picture of Dr Mike Chase grimly viewing the carcass of a poached elephant in the Chobe Enclave in northern Botswana is doubly poignant. Not only is it one of at least 26 elephants poached for their ivory there recently, but Mike Chase has just completed the massive Great Elephant Census of many of Africa’s savannah elephants. This massive survey is aimed at providing data to help conserve elephants and their habitat and inform debates over the levels of poaching and of human-elephant conflict. It found a decline in savannah elephant numbers in 18 states surveyed (but oddly excludes those in Namibia, Central African Republic and South Sudan – and all forest elephants) over the last nine years (much of which was already known, though and recorded in the African Elephant Database) and the full import of the new minimum estimate of 352,271 has still to be assessed against existing data.
by Jack Saffery-Rowe | Sep 14, 2016 | Africa
by Professor Keith Somerville, ICWS Senior Research Fellow Swaziland has submitted a proposal on the legalisation of trade in rhino horn to the Conference of the Parties to CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora),...
by Jack Saffery-Rowe | Sep 6, 2016 | Africa
by Professor Keith Somerville, ICWS Senior Research Fellow The large bull rhino, accompanied by a couple of rhino cows, was about a hundred metres away. The jeep carrying the darting team moved closer, there was a popping sound and the bull twitched and moved off with...
by Jack Saffery-Rowe | Jul 22, 2016 | Africa, Human Rights
by Martin Plaut, ICWS Senior Research Fellow On Friday 27th of May this year South Africa’s state owned broadcaster – the SABC – announced that it would will no longer broadcast footage of people destroying public property during protests. The SABC’s Chief Operating...
by Jack Saffery-Rowe | Jul 20, 2016 | Africa, Human Rights
by Professor Henning Melber, ICWS Senior Research Fellow and Extraordinary Professor, University of Pretoria The world has edged closer to placing the same value on the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people as it does on human...
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